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Prophet Dr. Owuor Awakens Brazil: A Call to Holiness to the Contemporary Church.

Prophet Dr. Owuor Visited Brazil recently and a massive revival of Bibilical proportion broke out.



In a remarkable display of divine power and enlightenment, the Renowned Prophet Dr. David Edward Owuor stirred the hearts of believers of Jesus Christ in Brazil upon his visit to the Postmodern Nation. From the bustling streets of Rio De Janeiro to the serene shores of Cabo Frio, where mammoth crowds deluged the venue of his meeting, forsaking their beehive of activities to attend. His presence ignited a fervent call to arms for the modern-day Christian church.

He Dispensed the Message of the Kingdom of GOD

 At the heart of his message was a profound urgency for absolute holiness and righteousness in anticipation of the Messiah’s imminent return. The Prophet’s words resonated with a sense of divine purpose, urging believers to shed complacency and embrace spiritual preparedness.

However, it was not merely his words that reverberated through the air; following the delivery of the heavenly message, an unprecedented wave of miraculous healings swept across the land.

Miracles Broke Out in Brazil

From the blind receiving sight to the deaf hearing once more, and even the crippled finding strength in their limbs –all bore witness to the transformative power of the blood of Jesus Christ!

Even the most daunting of afflictions, such as cardiovascular disease and stool incontinence, shockingly yielded to the wonder-working touch of the blood of Jesus. Such miraculous occurrences, that even senior medical specialists including a top cardiologist experienced as a

beneficiary of the healing touch of GOD, serve as undeniable testimony to the shifting of seasons and the urgent need for spiritual readiness of the people in embracing GOD.

The End-Time Revival Was Ignited

As the echoes of healing resounded, the message was clear: the time for preparation for embracing GOD is now. The Prophet’s visit to Brazil catalyzed revival, igniting a fire within the hearts of believers and stirring a renewed sense of faith and expectancy in Jesus Christ once more.

In a momentous gesture of recognition and gratitude, His Excellency Senator Roseverg Reid, representing the esteemed state of Rio DeJaneiro, extended a distinguished honour to the Prophet of GOD, Dr. David Edward Owuor. Inspired by the profound impact of the Prophet’s transformative ministry, which catalyzed a remarkable revival and ushered forth unparalleled

healing among the people of Brazil, Senator Reid hosted an exclusive special dinner in honour of Dr. Owuor. Amidst the ambience of camaraderie and reverence, Senator Reid then proceeded to present a special gift to the esteemed Prophet, symbolizing the deep appreciation and respect for his invaluable contributions to the spiritual welfare of the nation.

1 Comment

  1. Jawn Staff

    July 7, 2017 at 2:50 pm


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