End Times Updates
A Nation in Crisis: In Search of Redemption.
For a nation plagued with incessant successive crises on the verge of imploding, Kenya seems resigned to the fatalistic tendencies. Deficient urgency and abundant indifference appear to be the modus operandi, ‘Borauhai’ being the de facto national motto. So compromised is the national psyche that doing what’s right is scorned and decadence is appreciated.
While once she had grand ambitions of joining the League of the Mighty, Kenya is now contented with feeding on crumbs. Not long ago, she aspired to be the African version of the Asian Tigers, but now a beggar’s bowl goes ahead of her. It is incumbent upon her people, therefore, to rewind and reflect on when she lost her way and restore her Zeitgeist.
The nation’s soul is at stake; deeply spiritual as she is, the current situation leaves a lot to be desired. Congregations are shrinking while the number of churches is mushrooming exponentially. Suffice it to say, the Church is in a conundrum. While once emanating from the pulpit was God’s love and a place in heaven, the priesthood is now fixated on the materialistic.
There seem to be no limits to the lows the Church is willing to pander to in pursuit
of the worldly.
While Christ Jesus drove out those hawking merchandise in God’s temple, a sad reality of the pulpit is now an auction for the highest bidder, disregarding its sanctity. Politicians now campaign and deceive from the pulpit.
The hapless congregants are left wondering if there is another way, all while charlatans and fraudsters prey on the trusting. All hope seems lost, the gospel binned and replaced by treaties on wealth and mortal indulgence.
Amidst all these controversies, scandals, and leadership wrangles in the church, there appears one bucking this trend. Insisting on the need to go back to the ways of the first church, and the eminence of the Bible [SolaScriptura], is one Prophet Dr. Owour. In the face of ceaseless adversity, he has consistently preached on the coming of Jesus based on the sacred texts with unmatched zest.
Perhaps implosion is not inevitable; there just might be hope for the nation!