Christian Life

Nakuru and its Famous Prophet Dr. Owuor



The people of Nakuru love Prophet Dr. David Owuor very much. In the just concluded meeting in NAKURU they didn’t shun to openly confess it.

The business community at large confessed that business flourish most in the presence of the  Prophet in the city, owing to the large influx of millions.

Interestingly, the business community gather together in masses at Merica Hotel every morning when the prophet is in the city. Then the prophet comes preaches to them a bit and blesses them.

The next day they will still come again, they feel that the Prophet replenishes their hearts every day.

As the super brilliant and magnificent chariot-like convoy of the prophet heads to the grounds of the healing service or conference, the Bodaboda people in the city escort the elegant convoy of the prophet. It’s a situation full of color and circumstance.

The Prophet preserves acres of lands deliberately near His meetings for the hustlers and all business people to help them take advantage of the millions upon millions. The Prophet further supplies the business people with water and other amenities they need to flourish their business.

When he was leaving Nakuru last Saturday, the business people and the city community gathered in largest numbers at Merica Hotel Kenyatta avenue to Bid Him goodbye. They confessed that  they felt sorrowful that he was leaving because they love him very much. The Prophet blessed their families, business, health, new year and encouraged them to love Jesus and live in holiness.

When the Magnificent convoy of the Prophet had left, many people criss-crossed the streets through a short cut to bid the prophet goodbye for a second time.

Had it been possible they would have followed the meteoric Convoy of the prophet; they say that they see the JESUS in the prophet.

The leaders of the county government of Nakuru also thanked the prophet for helping flourish the economy of Nakuru.

Video courtesy; A viral video of a phenomenal in Nakuru, as the City community, business people, hustlers, the rich, all together with believers lined up all the way towards the foot Bridge Celebrating, joyous and bidding goodbye to the wonder inspiring magnificent Convoy of prophet Dr. David Owuor Leaving Nakuru last Saturday.

They requested that the Prophet be coming many times to Nakuru as possible. The Matatu operators also say the same.

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